Making a more ethical
working environment.


Making a more ethical
working environment.


The Altofare Group is committed to operating in an ethical and responsible manner. We expect all individuals associated with our organisation, including administrators, managers, supervisory bodies, employees, and other collaborators, as well as our business partners, to act responsibly and in compliance with the following principles:

  • Code of Ethics and its founding values
  • Laws and regulations
  • Measures of the Authorities
  • Model 231 and/or company procedures
  • Human rights


What to report

The group does not tolerate incorrect, dishonest, or illicit activities, as well as any behaviour that could cause damage or harm its reputation.
In the interest of transparency, we strongly encourage the reporting of any such conduct, whether potential, highly probable, or already committed.
To this end, the Group has implemented specific rules, processes and a secure platform, in order to guarantee potential whistleblowers the confidentiality of their identity and of the information provided, and maximum protection from possible retaliation.


How to report

The Group has made available an external digital platform, managed by a specialized third party, to guarantee the effectiveness and confidentiality of the reporting process and to provide broad and indiscriminate access to all those who wish to make a report.

The platform can be accessed by clicking on the following link.

Anonymous reports are accepted and guaranteed, but the Altofare Group encourages reporting subjects to provide as many details as possible, in order to streamline and make investigations more effective.